Friday, April 13, 2012


When I was about 14, I discovered what first love felt like.

Not from real life. From a book--Mary Stewart's THE MOON-SPINNERS.* There's a scene in there somewhere where Nicola, the heroine, realizes there really is something between her and the Boy, that it's reciprocated...and that she's standing at the absolute start of something fabulous. The feeling is warm and fizzy and hopeful, and filled me up with possibility.

That's exactly the same feeling I had when I spoke with my new agent about my book.

Yes!! I am so very happy to announce that I have a new agent, Kate Schafer Testerman of kt literary!

I would make her name be all sparkly up there if I could.

She understands the book so well, and shares my vision for it. We effused about the characters and their inspirations, and what will happen to them (poor Jake, I'm sorry), and what we hope for this book and the future. And I KNEW that this was the beginning, and that my career is in the right hands.

It's also rather nice that her client list is a Who's Who of What I Love or Want to Read. Seriously! Have you seen these people? Have you read their amazing books? Go! Look!
(edited to add: Eee! I'm on there now! I wasn't when I posted this.)

Basically I'm thrilled, and fizzing to the brim. And I need to thank ALL the writer friends who helped me in this time of upheaval--with readings, recommendations, referrals, encouragement, sparkles, and most of all a steady stream of confidence that I *would* find the right person. Y'all rock. THANK you.

Now can we all stop for a moment and do a Snoopy dance? Yeah, baby!
Also...I LOVE THIS BOOK. Yay!!

*Last year, when I was in the middle of a very rough time writing-wise, I wrote to Mary Stewart. And she WROTE BACK. This was undoubtedly my biggest fangirl moment ever, standing there reading her letter of encouragement to me. It lives in my jewelry box now, where I see it every day.


  1. YAY!!!!!!! I can totally see the sparkles around her name.

  2. Daisy Whitney8:52 AM



  4. Yay! I'm so happy for you!

  5. I speak from experience when I say the second agent is often the charm! I'm so happy for you, Susan!!! Good luck with submissions. I'll be rooting for you. :)

  6. CONGRATS to you and Kate, Suze! I know you'll be in great hands at kt. :D

  7. Congratulations to you both! So excited for you!

  8. Annika: They are there, aren't they? :)

    Daisy: Thank you!!

    Kelly: *MWAH*

    DeadlyAccurate: Thank you so much!

  9. Cat: HEE. Thank you. *fingers crossed*

    Em: Yes!! Thanks, bb!

    T: *beam* Thank you!

  10. Yay! Welcome to the KT family. Everyone is super nice (and geeky) and Kate is amazing. I can't wait to hear about your book!

  11. Congratulations!! How exciting.

  12. Thanks, Elizabeth! Nice and geeky is right up my alley.

    Deniz: Thank you!

  13. Snoopy-dancing right along with you every step of the way, bb. :D

  14. Congratulations! My friend Liz (above) signed with her a few weeks ago and has nothing but wonderful lovelies to say. You're in good hands. :)

  15. YAY!!! Awesome! Congratulations to you and Kate. :D

  16. Linder: Well...YOU really don't have much of a choice. :)

    Karen: Yay!! I KNEW IT.

    Shari: Thank you!!

  17. I know I've already emailed congratulations but I never posted here! So MORE HUGS FOR YOU. <3

  18. Capillya:

    ((HUGS)) and thank you!!! <33!

  19. Congratulations! I'm so happy to see some forward movement for you!

  20. Thank you, Sara! Me too.
