I have been VERY BUSY. On the list of craziness:
- Child did get a part in the play! A small part, but add rehearsals to our schedule. :) (still, very excited!!)
- Started edits for SALVAGED. For some reason this is going very slowly, probably because of the rest of Life right now, but I have notes and know where to start.
- Am in my new office, but still dealing with other people moving + cleanup of old space + organizing
- Covering a co-worker's impending maternity leave, so am handling a large bit of the campus alumni magazine work. Must have it ready to go to the printer before I go to...
- NEW YORK! I'm leaving for SCBWI a week from tomorrow!! Eeek! I am insanely bouncy about this, but also have a whole mess of planning/packing/rounding up loose ends to do before then...