I was freaking out a bit this morning at the sheer volume of STUFF I have to get done before Surrey. Everything from preparing a speech to taking pictures of myself (ack) to presenting the new state map to the governor of Montana to dealing with the press to making sure I buy nylons. Sheesh. I made a list (aptly titled FREAKING LIST OF THINGS TO DO BEFORE SURREY), which makes me feel slightly better. Lists always make me feel slightly better. Are you a list person too?
Today I'm mostly doing lots of small detail-y things for work and catching up on homework. I have a class this term that is all online except for our 4 presentations--which oddly is hard for me. I leave all the assignments until the last minute. I'm not really sure why I have discipline when it comes to writing but not so much with homework? (desire? {s})
I'm still getting to know Natalie. Managed a bit more, and should make my (easy) goal of 2000 more words this week, 5000 total this month. That seems good for a first month, with Surrey. After that I'll dive into the more usual 10,000 a month goals.
That's all for today, because I have a quiz in less than an hour...except for your picture of the day.
Hiya, I like your blog. Just discovered it via a comment you made on Diana Peterfreund's when I was browsing her archives. :)
You're very thoughtful and open about your writing process - my favourite kind of blog!
Thanks, Karen! I love to have new readers. :) I'll go have a look at yours too. (looking) Hey, you do some UF! Have you read Vicki's books yet?
Love lists! Absolutely love them. Love checking off items accomplished. The only time I don't love lists is when I don't complete them...then it becomes a reminder of my failures. But you don't need to know about that. :)
Have a great time in Surrey! I'm hoping I can join you all next year!
Yep! Read both of Vicki's books and LOVED them. They're on my shelf to be re-read, someday, which is unusual for me with books (once is usually - though not always - enough *g*).
Joanna Archer is a wonderful protagonist, and I can't wait to see where the series goes next. :)
And yes, I write mainly (urban) fantasy. I also started to branch out into YA, over the summer... Ring any bells? ;)
I'm a list person!
Sending good vibes to help get you through the days.
What's the speech for?
Thanks, Precie, fellow list-girl. Hope to see you in Surrey next year too!
Yay! Glad you read and loved Vic's work. I haven't had a chance to read the antho piece coming out in Dec, but I'm looking forward to that too.
[I also started to branch out into YA, over the summer... Ring any bells? ;)]
HA! Um, a little. {g}
Thanks for the good vibes, Lindsay!
I'm actually taking a speech (presentations) class. Which means 4 speeches throughout the term...bleagh. Actually this one is two days AFTER Surrey, but I have to start getting it ready now.
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