Friday, August 25, 2006
An Eventful Night
Yeah. Um, okay, so that was my first thought. I clearly have watched too much sci-fi TV. (Yes, I know it was probably just my own fingernail, but darn it, the alien theory is more fun.)
I did have a wonderful elation-dream last night. I woke up at 3:30 and was so pleased that I could just drift right back into it. Do you have those? I wish I could remember what it was about now, but I remember very clearly the feeling of peace, of utter contentment and satisfaction. Like that moment after making love, when you kiss your husband on the cheek and allow the pure bliss to flow through you, without doubts or worries. Like the moment when your child looks up at you, unprompted, and says "I love you." Like sitting down with a cup of hot coffee and a new, waited-for book, and 2 hours to yourself.
When I have dreams like that I wake with the sensation that I've touched the otherworld somehow, made an important connection. The feeling of relaxed happiness lingers all day, just on the edges of my mind.
Oh, and note: I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow, so I might not post until Friday of next week. I will have the laptop, so I might...but then I might not. {g} Have a fun week!
Medieval Word of the Day: reaver: A robber or plunderer; a marauder, raider.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Tell me about yourself
I have an unhappy memory connected with Myers-Briggs, so I do a little mental cringe whenever I hear it. When I was a freshman in highschool--coming off of some difficulties in elementary school, and ready for a whole new group of people, a new start--my math teacher announced that we were going to start off the year by doing Myers-Briggs, "to get to know ourselves and each other." Fine idea, right? Except that part of this "getting to know" involved revealing our results by physically separating out for each dichotomy. We start with E/I, and there is a mass movement to the 'E' side of the room.
There was only one. other. 'I'. And the other was one of those ultimate smart math-geeky people who seems perfectly happy to never talk to anyone else. {sigh} Way to fit in!
Anyway, we did the test 4 years later, again with the same teacher, and I got the same results: INFJ/P. By that time I was rather proud of the classification, and could recognize its truth for me. But it still rankles.
It was interesting that several people popped up in the comments column as INFJs, INFPs, or even both like me. Wow! It's supposed to be only 1% of the population for each type! But...ahem...look at the description for INFJ (from the "Personality Test Center" website, linked to below):
INFJ: "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1% of the total population. These are serious students and workers who really want to contribute. They are private and easily hurt. They make good spouses, but tend to be physically reserved. People often think they are psychic. They make good therapists, general practitioners, ministers, and so on.
"Author". Yeah, baby.
I looked up the Myers-Briggs tests this morning, and was surprised to see that the real one is not only NOT free, but expensive--up to $170 at some places. However, there's an approximation test at the Personality Test Center, for your enjoyment--either for a re-take or for the first time.
You can also learn a lot more about Myers-Briggs at the Wikipedia article. (It IS Wikipedia, so take it with a shaker of salt, but this one seems more well-researched than most.)
Please do comment if you take the test, or you have an experience with it. It appears to be self-analysis week!
Gotta run now, I have my first grad school class this morning!
Medieval Word of the Day: smoterly: Besmirched in reputation.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Color me...
Continuing in the self-analysis vein, here's another quirk that I wonder about. I assume it's not uncommon, but who knows? You tell me.
I am greatly affected by color.
Not actual clothes so much as other environmental influences, things I stare at or work with all the time. My desktop, my browser. My planner. Post-it notes. My pen. If these things are bright, appealing colors, it cheers me, even when I'm depressed. Even better is when I can change these colors on a regular basis. I update the Yahoo color template often, and download funky Firefox themes. I love pictures too--webshots is my friend for photogenic desktop shots of castles, beaches, Bringing beauty to the everyday workspace.
(This is why I love our Mac. Apple understands this urge in me, and caters to it. {s})
I also have my wall at work plastered with drawings and paintings my daughter has done--they explode with multi-layered color, and they always make me smile.
When I was little I was quite happy to sit for hours with the 72-color box of Crayola crayons, organizing them. It was clear to me that this color needed to be next to that one, to create a spectrum that was pleasing to the eye...
So what is this? Color freakiness? Color sensitivity? Anybody else strongly affected by color, or is it something else, like music, that changes your mood?
Medieval Word of the Day: significavit: A form of writ employed in ecclesiastical cases; spec. one formerly issued by Chancery for the arrest of an excommunicated person; also, the bishop's certificate on which such a writ is based.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
It's all about me
I sometimes wonder what life is like for people who are not so...self-reflective. Ever since I can remember I have analyzed myself, my actions, my thoughts. Comparing them to other people, comparing them as I changed. Trying to discern trends, patterns, to figure myself out. I even was a psych major for a while, but thank goodness I quickly realized that wasn't healthy (when I started to self-diagnose horrible things like schizophrenia or paranoia after one semester, it was a sign; I quickly switched to English).
Unless I'm wrong, not everybody thinks this much. Most of you do, of course, because you're either writers or avid readers, but it seems to me that many people just live. Sometimes I wish I could do that.
Anyway, I'm not woe-is-meing. I'm quite happy at the moment. I wrote 600 new words on Saturday (yay), and plan to continue that scene today. It's amazing what happened when I said "Oh, all right, go ahead, have sex if you want to. I can re-work everything else, or take it out later if it doesn't work." {eg}
I'm also waiting (not patiently) for my transcript to come, which will complete my grad school application package so I can register. Classes start Thursday.
Oh, and we're going to San Diego for a 5-day vacation on Saturday. Woo-hooooo!
Medieval Word of the Day: primer: A name for prayer-books or devotional manuals for the use of the laity, used in England before, and for some time after, the Reformation.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Figuring It Out
Yesterday I decided to take a blog vacation day. This was a good thing, since I was still feeling all petulant and weird about writing. Even though I'm supposed to be taking a "writing break" I have not stopped worrying about it. I try to read THE ILLUMINATOR to relax, and all I think is "oooh, why don't my characters do THAT?" Or "that description was much better than mine of the same thing" or "I really should consider the opening differently". Kreek had to slap me to get me to stop.
She also helped me in another way--as my good writer friends so often do--by making me face up to something I knew already, but didn't want to admit. I've been holding back an eentsy bit sometimes in my writing. It's there in the first 30 pages or so of TMT, and it's been there in the first bits of Book 2 that I've been working on. This is part of why progress was so slow. I wrote the first scene all out, quickly, and then I just started crawling along, picking my steps very carefully. Because I so want this book to be RIGHT, you see. I want it to be all that I didn't quite manage with TMT, or that I wanted to do better. But the problem is that I don't know what's right for Book 2 yet--I don't even know the characters! And this is the bloody First Draft. I need to let go, be free to write down whatever the hell I want and let it sit there for a while, instead of panicking over each word choice. That's what I was doing. I was sifting and sifting and sifting through what I had, then inching forward, instead of letting the imagination go.
Next revelation? I might just have to do this one in chunks, because I don't know that I can write Isabella-at-11 as well until I know Isabella-at-30. Plus there are some oh-so-good scenes I already have in my head a little, and if I go in order it will be months before I can write them.
So there. New approach: kitchen sink (thanks, Vic). No restraints. Write it ALL in, no matter how stupid it sounds to me at first. Then I can also go back and slash it. I haven't really had to do that before; it might be interesting.
Medieval Word of the Day: lime-twig: A twig smeared with birdlime for catching birds.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Hope you liked the story yesterday--I am just paranoid enough that the lack of any comments whatsoever makes me nervous. No, I am NOT fishing for compliments. I'm just sayin'.
Anyway, one of my writer friends was just asking about the elusive 'voice', and how to cultivate it. Sometimes us writers see the constant agent request for a "new, fresh voice" and we just panic. Is voice something that can even be created? Is it inherent to a writer, or learned? And how can we change voice when moving from one project to another, or one POV to another?
I was very pleased to see, when I re-read the story below yesterday, that the voice is completely different from that in TMT. The character is, at least to my read, completely male, and clearly Native American. His thoughts, his actions, his words and metaphors, all reflect that point of view. If I wrote that story with the same word choices as TMT, which are supposed to reflect the thoughts and actions of a young, medieval woman in England, we would have a serious voice disconnect. That would lose readers. (By the way, that story was a perfect example of the writing magic. I wrote it in 2 hours, with very, very few changes as I went along. Almost like dictation. I love it when that happens, but it is oh so rare.)
In my mind, then--and I may be wrong on this, so feel free to call me out--voice is largely a matter of being deep in the POV character. The words you use even to describe the actions of a POV character should be different from those for another character--and that culminates in voice.
However, sometimes there is a voice for the novel as a whole (or series of novels) rather than for one particular character, and I'm not sure I can define that as easily. That voice may be inherent to the writer: a certain type of chapter structure, perhaps, or a way of opening scenes. The method of handling tension and flow. These are beyond individual POV and beyond word choice.
Have you ever read a book by an author and started thinking like the book? D.H. Lawrence does this to me, and so, unfortunately, does James Joyce. (Which is why I avoid James Joyce...who wants to go around thinking like Ulysses?) That is an example of a strong book voice. It's so insistent that it pushes into your head.
Voice may well be a challenge for me with Book 2. Here we are with another young, medieval woman in almost the same time period as in TMT--yet the voice has to be different. The character is vastly different: Spanish-born, royal, warped by tragedy. Isabella is not naive as Katherine was; she didn't have a chance to be. My choice of words, of cadence, of everything will have to reflect that. Oh, and it has to be engaging, and "fresh and new" too. No problem, right? It all depends on whether I can 'hear' her or not, and whether I can capture that 'voice' on the page.
Medieval Word of the Day: pomely: Marked with rounded spots, dappled.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The Storyteller
But I thought I'd give you a story instead. This one was posted previously on the Writers Forum, and came to me whole in one sitting. Hopefully it's not too long for this format!
The Storyteller
Copyright Susan Adrian, 2005, All Rights Reserved
The Storyteller paused to take another sip from her bowl, and smiled at all the eyes fixed on her.
“So they set off, Otter and Fox, on the long journey. They walked through woods and plains, over hills and through rivers. When they grew tired they rested, though often as not Sun would then be prancing, high and bright, so that they had to squeeze their eyes tight to sleep. When Moon was up they stumbled over roots and stones, but they kept on. And as they went, they made a plan.
‘Howooooo!’ Sun yelled a battle cry. ‘I will beat her!’ And he leaped into the sky, and began to race around the Earth.
Moon narrowed her eyes. ‘What challenge?’
'A race around the Earth, and back,’ said Fox. ‘But first, I have brought you a feast, from all the lands beneath you. See, here is fish, and honey, and berries, and many sweet things to enjoy.’She sat back, smiling, as the others praised the Story. Then, as the others stood and made their way to their tipis, she stretched out a hand to Beaver Tooth across the fire.
Monday, August 14, 2006
I need more!
Now for my big news: I'm pretty darn sure that I'm going to register for Grad school for the fall, to get my master's in Technical Communication.
Why? Because I don't have enough going on with the full-time job, 4-year-old child, husband, selling one novel and writing another. I need MORE.
LOL. Well, I guess that's not really it. But it seems silly not to pursue it at this stage--I work on a university campus, and they will pay for up to 6 credits a term. Work will let me have release time to take courses. I can waive out of quite a few classes with just my work portfolio, and I can use a work project as my grad project. So I can basically get a master's for almost-free, with a fair portion of the work stuff I would be doing anyway. And it will look oh-so-nice on my resume. {g}
Plus? I do so love challenges, and I work better under pressure. Sad, but true.
Medieval Word of the Day: recche: To tell, narrate, say.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Thank goodness for diversity.
I feel like ranting about something, but since the true target of my dissatisfaction is work politics (*&$%#), it wouldn't really be fair to just pick a random subject merely to vent. So instead I'll go for honesty today.
I seem to have temporarily fallen off the work bandwagon. For a couple years there I was doing really well with persistence, and schedule; I worked every lunch-but-one during the week no matter what, and crammed it in elsewhere when I could. But for the past couple of weeks I've been guilty of doing exactly what I often rant about: talking about writing, even thinking about it, but not actually doing it.
I'm not sure what my problem is. Well, if I analyze I think there are several: I am struggling to get into writing an all-new book for the first time in oh, about 6 years; the submission process is not going as well as I'd hoped, so I'm feeling a little down about writing; and it's beautiful weather outside (our 4 weeks or so of beautiful weather), and my husband seems perfectly willing to indulge me in meeting up and going out to nice lunches several times a week. So I have written maybe 500 words this week, which is AWFUL. {groan}
I know, I know. I am the queen of getting on other people who slack, and here I am. "My name is Susan, and I am a slacker..."
But. At least I'm finally aware of what I'm doing, which is Step 1. Yes, I am going out to a nice lunch in the sun again today. But next week I am dragging out the chains, and chaining myself to my desk every day-but-one. I will re-gain my work ethic!
Medieval Word of the Day: hell-hound: A fiend; a fiendish person: as a term of execration.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
I argued that it's great for fiction to try for this--at least some types of fiction--but that it's absolutely not necessary to have deeper revelations about humanity in order to be valuable. That sometimes it's enough just to have a good STORY.
But I wonder if the arguer is right in one sense--that the books that stand through time, that we still go back to and re-read in spite of the decades or centuries that have passed since they were written DO include a true reflection of life, and possibly also new thoughts about living. Or maybe this is what makes great books great--that the characters are real because they reflect the complexities of people.
What do you think? Does fiction need to strive for the deeper, richer, truer vision of life to succeed? Or are you attracted also by fiction that tells a story, more simply?
Medieval Word of the Day: sye: To sink, fall, descend (lit. and fig.); to collapse.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
In Memory of Nana

My grandmother passed away early this morning.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Rejected, not Dejected
Well, there's a deep and insightful statement, eh? New ground being broken right here, folks!
I'm feeling a little bruised and battered this week. I won't go into details, but a couple of agents I had very high hopes for--meaning they'd requested materials from me within only a couple of days of query, and my stuff fit their profiles--well, they didn't pan out. Surprise, surprise, I will not be an instant success story after all, and the work is not over.
Yes, I know this is NOT a surprise. Instant successes are rare. First-time successes are rare. Nobody wins a free pass. (This knowledge didn't stop me from hoping, however. But still.)
I moped for my allowed day, and I think I'll just be irritable about it for a day more. {g} But now it's time to get back to the drawing board--back to my keyboard. Back to work.
I am so grateful that I have kick-ass writer friends who support me, who tell me what's wrong when something is, and send me virtual hugs when I need them. Who tell me, even though none of us believe it, that those agents will be sorry eventually. Who remind me, and we DO believe it, that those agents weren't right for me or my work anyway. Thank you to them. And yes, I'll go get back to work now.
Monday, August 07, 2006
She's been on it with me maybe 50 times; she wears her life jacket and sits on my legs. At the end I hold her up so she won't get water in her mouth and nose in the big splash. But she's 4 1/2, and on an independence streak lately. She wants to make breakfast herself, water the plants herself, order at restaurants by herself...(my husband asked her, jokingly, if she would like to drive home. She said "I can't reach the pedals." He responded, "But what if you could reach them; would you drive home?" Her: "Sure, I've watched you do it.")
So here we are at the top of the slide, a line of wet teenagers behind us. She's holding my hand, waiting her turn, but she's not nervous. She has her life jacket on, she knows what to do. I'm petrified.
(What if she gets stuck? What if she bangs into the side and cuts herself? What if she panics in the enclosed space by herself and...) And what? All unlikely. She's never gotten stuck before. I've banged myself once, but only once. Her daddy is waiting for her at the bottom, I'm here at the top. There are lifeguards. It's perfectly safe.
We're next. I set her, my perfect, bright little girl in her flowered bathing suit, into the bubbling water. I wave out the window to her daddy, and kiss her on top of the head. She gives me that grin, the one where she's so proud of herself she could burst. She'll be safe she'll be safe she'll be safe she'll be fine she'll be fine she's fine.
The buzzer goes and I push her back gently, and then she is gone, washing away down the slide. I can't see her anymore; from the first curve she's hidden from me. I peer from the fogged little window, waiting for a sight of her at the bottom. It seems a long time, longer than usual. The lifeguard is watching too, her hand on the buzzer.
And there she is. In a whoosh she flies out from the end, right into her daddy's arms. The buzzer sounds and it's my turn. I slip down the slide. I had wanted this, to ride by myself, to be able to ride on my back and go fast. But now all I want is to have my baby back with me. At the end they're waiting, the two of them, with a tale of her ride--she had lost her balance, flipped over, come out feet first on her belly, backward. But she made it.
"Was it fun?" I asked. "Did you like it?"
She smiled. "Not as much fun. I think I'm too small to balance it right by myself."
I smiled back, relieved. She'd tried it, she'd made it--yay for her!--but decided on her own that she still needed me. She wasn't quite ready for the world on her own yet.
Then she drifted over to the sweet spot in the pool, where the hot water bubbles up from the spring. "Look at me," she said giddily. "I'm basking in the fizzy water."
I knew, even at that moment, that this is what life is like, that there are lessons here. You have to let your children go, you have to push them down the slide out of sight. You have to trust them, and then wait helplessly to make sure they're okay. Sometime soon she won't want to ride with me anymore, and I will be able to ride it by myself as much as I want. Be careful what you wish for. But most of all, that there will always be that moment, if you're lucky, when after trying and maybe not-quite-succeeding to your expectations, you can get a hug, and then bask in the fizzy water.
Medieval Word of the Day: bask: To bathe, especially in warm water or liquid, and so transf. to be suffused with, or swim in, blood, etc. Obs.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Friday Game Day
Yesterday's post about personal themes really got me thinking. I love delving into questions like that, the deeper layer of why we do what we do. (okay, you got me, I did start out as a psych major. {g})
So some of you came up with your themes already. Excellent! For those, you can still play along today and see how well you fit. For the others, let's do a game to start to figure it out, if you're up to it! Kreek and I did this yesterday, and it was kinda fun.
The Game (What's My Theme):
1. List 5 of your favorite movies. From any era, the ones you would willingly watch over and over and over.
2. List 5 of your favorite books from childhood. These should be ones you treasure, those that really meant something to you.
3. Look at the lists, and try to see a theme.
4. I'll look at the lists, and see if I see a theme as well--the same or different. {s}
Ready? Play!
Medieval Word of the Day: sturme: a. Of the weather: To storm, rage. b. To cry out loudly.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
It's a Theme Thang
This morning I would really, really like to just go sit down somewhere quiet and finish reading Harry Potter. I got to a Big Scene last night where something horrible supposedly happened, and I would like to Know More (look at all those capitals, Vic). This is what good fiction does for you. It sucks you in and interferes with the rest of your life, twitching into your thoughts at random moments, making you daydream about exactly what will happen next.
The reason I started reading the Harry Potter books, though, wasn't really because I knew they'd be good, but because the first one was a perfect example of My Favorite Theme.
What? Y'all don't have a favorite theme? Sure you do. If you aren't aware of it already, you just have to find it. Mine is pretty clear, has been since childhood, and fortunately is very well represented in fiction and film:
Individual (often child or teen) finds out that they are not the normal, everday person they had been raised to believe. Oh, no. They are magical/royal/the chosen one/fated to face great challenge and overcome obstacles and change the world. Yeah, that one.
This theme comes up over and over, in everything from King Arthur to Harry to The Dark is Rising to the Princess Diaries. I suspect it's universal, and has been around since stories have. Doesn't every child secretly believe, or wish, that their mundane life is not their REAL one? That someday they too will be tapped on the shoulder and find out about their dramatic, fated past, their true quest? Somehow that theme has stuck with me, and I still absolutely love to relive it. Nearly all of my favorite all-time books fit the theme. I have been known to watch otherwise average movies or {gasp} TV shows (yup, Dark Angel) because they fit the theme. I can't help myself.
TMT does not, surprisingly, fit the theme. Nor does Book 2, I think. Though maybe someday I'll write a YA that does. {s}
How about you? What are your favorite themes? What kind of story do you like to hear, over and over?
Medieval Word of the Day: speer (Scot and North): To put a question or questions; to make inquiries; to ask.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The Wait
I am so not good at waiting. I get itchy, wanting action, wanting to be able to do something to affect the outcome. Unfortunately, waiting with at least apparent patience is largely what this stage of the query process is--I have a fair bunch of possibilities, both queries and partials, Out There still, so it's not time to send more yet. I've read Miss Snark; I wouldn't dream of sending nudges. All I can do for TMT, all, is check my email regularly and think positive thoughts.
That's not a lack of positive thoughts, that's just frustration. {s}
I know, you blithely respond "Work on Book 2! That's your action!" Yeah. I would say the same thing to you at this stage. And I AM working on Book 2, and I'm excited about it. But what I didn't realize when I was saying that to people? It's kinda like saying, "I know your first child is out in the ocean by herself, in a rough storm, without any kind of boat or even lifevest. But hey, you can't do anything about it, so why don't you just sit down quietly here and play with your second child?"
Doesn't sound quite so easy when it's put like that, does it?
Anyway, enough whining for today. I'll work on Book 2, I'll check my email. I'll wait. Patiently.
Medieval Word of the Day: quide: A will, legacy, bequest.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
But I would not leave you without a:
Medieval Word of the Day: iseli: Happy, fortunate, prosperous.