Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Path

This is an interesting time for me.

First, of course, is my own drama: The Murderess's Tale, which I worked on for 5+ years, is Out There, being considered by my hand-picked agents. Right now this translates as a long wait, punctuated by bursts of adrenalin when I check email.

The other, better drama is watching my friend Vicki Pettersson's impending success.

I've known Vicki for a long time: when she was writing SCENT OF SHADOWS, when she was diligently editing it, when she was searching for an agent herself. I squealed when I heard she'd got one of the best agents (the same week she found out she was pregnant with her first child, but that's our Vicki). I got a breathless, ecstatic phone message from her when she signed a three-book deal with Harper Collins. (I should've kept that one!) I've talked to her as she's gone through the publication process, getting her edit letter, writing her second book and sending it off, working on the cover art and copy...

Throughout she's been the same: hard-working, diligent, smart, dedicated to writing and succeeding, supportive of the rest of us. Those of us who know her are not surprised in the least that her dreams are coming true.

What WAS a surprise to me--and should NOT have been--is that (okay, ready for the shock?) the process does not get easier once you get an agent. Once you get an editor and a contract. Once the book is accepted. Apparently you still worry, doubt yourself, and keep trying to make it better. You just worry about different things. Will I sell through? Will my second book be as good?

From the early signs, Vicki really shouldn't worry. Kim Harrison read her book and loved it (see the interview here where she mentions Vicki's book, second to last question). Her publisher is firmly behind her and is seriously promoting SCENT OF SHADOWS (see Publisher's Weekly mention). (Go buy it next March!) She is good, and she is going to be big, even if she hasn't accepted it herself yet.

How very lucky I am to have her as an inspiration, right there before me as I start on the same path.

Medieval Word of the Day: friendrede: friendship.


Vicki Pettersson said...

I blush. I'm humbled.
And I'm fortunate to be surrounded by supportive kick-ass writer chicks who really help me along the way.
Remember, I'm you ... just a year or two down the road.


Susan Adrian said...


LOL. Don't be humbled; it's all true. I just hope I can follow on that path (um, before we're like 60 years old {g}).

Thank God we all have each other in this process, though. I could not imagine doing this all by myself.


Anonymous said...


You're both great inspirations - hanging out with the like's al all-yall, I almost think I can finish a book someday [s].

Congrats to the both of you for chasing that dream and working so hard to do it!


Vicki Pettersson said...

You will do it, Julie. You're a fellow dreamchaser. {s}

Susan Adrian said...

Of course you'll do it, Julie! We won't let you get away with NOT doing it. {g}


Anonymous said...

Aw, thanks, guys [s].


Cindy said...

Hey, wow! That's amazing, go Vicki!! I said it just a minute ago in the post above, but you two really are an inspiration. I'm so proud and happy for both of you!

My birthday is in March. (g) Good excuse for shopping.