This morning I got to hear the governor of Montana speak on energy resources for an hour...dayamn the man is a good public speaker, and very smart and capable. Watch out presidency in a couple of years.
Ya know, I was thinking this morning that this blog's been on the boring side lately. Sorry about that, if so. I've been having some inner journeys {g} and haven't been very social as a result, even online. We'll see if I can be a bit more open as we go along here.
In other news, I just received a photo from Linda, from B&N in Reston, Virginia:
Well....I didn't have a camera with me....but I bought the book!! Does that count??
Just kidding. From your recommendations, I thought it looked good. I'm excited to read it!
Well, I'm thrilled you bought the book--that's more important than taking a picture. {s}
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